Burton Overy Parish Council

Serving the people of Burton Overy


Clerk: Phil Woodward
9 Lloyd George Avenue
Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics

Tel: 07827 797125

Agendas & Minutes

The Agenda for each meeting, together with meeting papers, is published three working days in advance of the scheduled meeting on the council's website and a copy posted on the parish council notice board. Draft minutes of meetings are usually published on the website about a week after each meeting. The draft Minutes are approved by councillors at their next meeting and are uploaded on the website shortly after approval.

The quickest and easiest way to find agendas and minutes is to view our Council Meetings Calendar, here you will find all papers associated with each meeting linked to the calendar entry.

All of our documents are stored in our document management system (DMS) where you can also view our agendas and minutes. You can set the filter to select documents of interest.