Burton Overy Parish Council

Serving the people of Burton Overy


Clerk: Phil Woodward
9 Lloyd George Avenue
Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics

Tel: 07827 797125


Have your say on Leicestershire County Councils Budget Plan

A new consultation has launched giving people the opportunity to have their say on Leicestershire County Council's budget plan.

From 16 December, residents, businesses, parish councils and partner organisations are encouraged to give their views by completing a short survey available at: www.leicestershire.gov.uk/budget

The council's latest four-year proposals show the difference between income and expenditure will reach £92m in 2025 meaning that significant savings will be required.

Investment in services including children and family services, adult social care and environment in transport is proposed as well as a £450m capital pot to spend on infrastructure and a 1.99 per cent rise in Council Tax.

The consultation runs until 17 January

You can find out more and have your say by visiting: www.leicestershire.gov.uk/budget