Burton Overy Parish Council

Serving the people of Burton Overy


Clerk: Phil Woodward
9 Lloyd George Avenue
Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics

Tel: 07827 797125

Burton Overy Neighbourhood Plan

Burton Overy Neighbourhood Plan - referendum result

The referendum held on 10th January asked the question

'Do you want Harborough District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Burton Overy to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?'

Greater that 50% of those who voted were in favour of the plan being used to help decide planning decisions in the area and Harborough District Council has published its decision to 'make' the Burton Overy Neighbourhood Development Plan part of the District Councils Development Plan.

The Full Final Decision Statement Notice can be seen in the document below.

The Parish Council produced the Burton Overy Neighbourhood Plan with assistance from an Advisory Committee including Parish Council members, community volunteers, and interested individuals in the community and help from the District Council and other agencies.
The Neighbourhood Plan will form the basis for planning decisions applicable to Burton Overy Parish, up to 2031, together with the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which embrace the whole of the country and the Local Plan for Harborough District which covers the area controlled by the District Council. It is the District Council as the Local Planning Authority who will continue to determine planning applications but they will have to consider the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan when reaching their decision.

The Burton Overy Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation can be seen following the links below.
